3D For Designers is an online 3D Designing course offered by Devon Ko, who is a veteran designer specialising in 3D Animation and Design. Apparently its a video module based course with a Slack Community for help, and perhaps Devon personally guides the students as well if they reach out to her, and also invites other designers in the field to teach, but this is not explicitly mentioned on the website.
Cover image
I stumbled upon this course on a Discord server almost a month ago. When I checked and went through the landing page, it lacked a lot of things which I intuitively understood, but could not put into words. So the challenge for me was to test out myself, whether I could make some changes to the visual aesthetics and basic UX of the landing page so that it could be more in alignment with the product (3D Course) and the creator (Devon Ko), and also be slightly more accessible (by correcting few basic errors) for the prospective students.
[Current landing page video](https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/0757193d-b25e-48f9-9d93-6e1a018f4d82/3D_Website_Video_Notion.mp4)
Current landing page video
The product i.e. 3D Course is amazing when it comes to the information about it available on the website and of the reviews of students posted on the creator’s and the course’s Twitter handles. However, the website is not associable to the product as far as the visuals are concerned.